xcmndEmbedFontFromAction - Embeds a font file. Works similar to xcmndLoadJSFromAction.
Preference Variables
xprefOrientationChangeTransition - Feature for responsive projects (specifically breakpoint). When a screen orientation change occurs, screen goes to white and then fades to display the new orientation.
xprefDocumentBackgroundColor - Change the color of the HTML document background.
xprefInitLoadJSFromAction - Acts like a call to xcmndLoadJSFromAction, but it happens BEFORE the Captivate movie begins. Therefore, getting around issues where JavaScript libraries are not loaded in time for the first enter slide event.
xcmndLoadJSFromAction - Assign an interactive object. If any of its criteria uses a Open URL or File action to load a .js file, CpExtra will run that Javascript file in Captivate.
xcmndGotoSlide (Number or slide label) - Like cpCmndGotoSlide, but it works with slide labels as well.
xcmndAddEventListener - New events for Web Objects
loaded - Dispatches when the Web Object has loaded all its assets
error - Dispatches when a Web Object fails to load
Preference Variables
xprefStartSlide (Number or slide label) Assign a slide label (or slide number). When the movie is run, CpExtra will jump to that slide immediately. Can assign @syntax query. CpExtra will jump to the first slide matching that query. Runs after xprefInitAction.
xprefInteractiveWebObjects (Boolean) - Allows Web Objects to hear click events. If you have another object overlapping the iFrame's space, that area of the Web Object will not be able to hear click events. Enabled by default.
xprefWakeLock (Boolean) - Prevents mobile screens from dimming and turning off.
xprefDisableGestures (Boolean) - Turns off Captivate's mobile gestures, such as swiping to move one slide forwards and backwards.
xprefEnsureCpMateLoad (@syntax query) - All Web Objects with names matching the @syntax query will be assumed to include CpMate. When one such Web Object appears on stage, CpExtra will pause the slide until Adobe Animate is ready to play the animation.
Info Variables (Intended to be used to create custom playbars)
Preference Variables
xprefInitAction - Designate an action to be run when the movie starts (even if you do not start from the first slide in the project)
xprefUseDoubleDigitTotalTimeValues - Configures xinfoProjectTotalSeconds, xinfoProjectTotalMinutes and xinfoProjectTotalHours
xprefUseDoubleDigitElapsedTimeValues - Configures xinfoProjectElapsedSeconds, xinfoProjectElapsedMinutes and xinfoProjectElapsedHours
Command Variables
xcmndAlert - Opens up a message in an alert window (Use of $$variable$$ in the first and second parameters are replaced with those variable's values)
xcmndRound - Rounds a decimal to its nearest whole number
xcmndRoundTo - Rounds a decimal to a particular decimal point
xcmndFloor - Rounds a decimal number DOWN
xcmndCeil - Rounds a decimal number UP
xcmndRandom - Generates a random number
xcmndPreventTabOut - Targets a text entry box, when that text box has keyboard focus, the TAB key will not move its focus away (Allows you to use the TAB key to trigger text entry box evaluation)
xcmndAllowTabOut - Cancels xcmndPreventTabOut
xcmndScore - Get/Set the score of a slide object which reports to the quiz.
xcmndMaxScore - Get/Set the maximum score of a slide object which reports to the quiz.
Can explicitly state a parameter as a...
...String: By surrounding it with [square braces] Example: [Slide Label With Spaces]
...Variable: By surrounding it with double $$dollar$$ signs. Example: $$MyVariable$$
CpExtra can be installed into your Captivate program files so it is included in every project (Headless loading)
Added #syntax, new version of @syntax which applies across the whole project.
xcmndAddEventListener can now listen for...
Enter - Triggered when the target slide object enters the timeline
Exit - Triggered when the target slide object exits the timeline
Added xinfoEventTarget - A variable which tells us what slide object dispatched the current event.
When using the Open URL or file action in Captivate, if you surround a variable name with two $ characters (example: $$MyVar$$) CpExtra will replace that phrase with the value of the the variable.
The following command variables now allow you to assign them variable names. They will act on the variable's value
xcmndChangeState (First parameter only)
Bug Fixes
Drag and drop objects no longer stop working after being dragged to an incorrect target
Fixed issue of xprefPreventTEBOverwrite not working when xprefTEBUpdateFromVariable was enabled.
Fixes issue with click boxes not working with xcmndSetCursor
Fixed the ROLLOUT event not dispatching on shape buttons
Fixed the ROLLOUT event not dispatching on buttons
The following command variables will now throw a CV001 error if you assign them incorrect slide object names